About Me
Michelle Alexander | MishiMoooDesigns
Calgary, AB, Canada
I most often describe myself as a Canadian artist with a sweet tooth! I specialize in digital illustration and am known best for combining my love for junk food with everyday objects in creative and often punny ways.
I started MishiMoooDesigns in 2020 and what started as a way to fill a gap in my resume quickly turned into so much more. It's become my creative outlet and a way to make others smile.
Outside of art, I love spending time with my husband and our two boys. By day I work in the ever-changing world of Marketing. I also enjoy playing sports, travelling, and have escaped dozens of escape rooms across North America.
Whether you're a snack liker or lover, or just appreciate art that isn't like anything else you've seen before, welcome to my hideaway and thank you for being here.